David Maljkovic
David Maljkovic nasce nel 1973 a Rijeka, Croazia.
Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam
Academy of Fine Arts, University of Zagreb, Croazia, Multimedia alternative
Academy of Fine Arts, University of Zagreb, Croazia, Department of Painting
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Rijeka, Croazia, Art Department
Augarten Contemporary, Artist in Residence, Vienna
International Contemporary Art Prize Diputacio de Castello
Croatian Asociation of Artists Award, Zagabria
IASPIS, Stockholm
ARCO Prize for young artists, Madrid
International Residence at Recollets, Parigi
Kunstzeitraum, artist residency, Monaco
KW Institute for Contemporary Art, studio program, Berlino
Cite Internationales des Arts, Parigi
36th Zagreb Salon Award, Zagabria
Filip Trade Award, Zagabria
Plates&plinths, Galerija Kula, Split, HR
“Forthcoming”, T293, Rome
“In the corner of the eye”, Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam
David Maljkovic, Galerija Kula, Split
“Daily Geometry”, T293, Rome
“With the Collection”, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka, Croatia
“In the List of Works”, Dvir Gallery, Brussels
“Glimpses”, Massimo Minini Gallery, Brescia, Italy
“Gaze Dithering”, Galeria Francisco Fino, Lisbon
“Also on View”, The Reinassance Society, University of Chicago, Chicago
“Alterity Line”, Metro Pictures, New York
Dvir Gallery, Tel Aviviv
Vignettes Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam
Again and Again Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana
AAASSEMBLAGE Dvir Gallery, Brussels
All Day All Year T293, Roma
VOX Centre de l’image contemporaine, Montreal
In Low Resolution Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv
A Retrospective by Appointment” Gallery Nova, David Maljkovic’s studio, Gallery of Croatian
Designer’s Association, Cinema Tuskanac and Croatian Film Association, Zagabria
With the Gallery, Galleria Massimo Minini, Brescia
New Collection, Blondeau & Cie, Ginevra
Negatives with Konstantin Grcic, Centre d’edition Contemporaine, Ginevra
David Maljkovic, Metro Pictures Gallery, New York
David Maljkovic, Sprueth Magers, Londra
In low resolution, Palais de Tokyo, Parigi
Lokremise, Kunstmuseum St Gallen
Leal Rios Foundation, Lisbona
Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
Sources in the air, BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead
Metro Pictures, New York
Sources in the air, GAMeC, Bergamo
New Reproductions, CAC Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius
Afterform, Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam
“Scene, Hold, Ballast” Sculpture Center, with Lucy Skaer, New York
“Morgenlied” Kunsthalle Basel, with Latifa Echakhch, Basilea
“A long day for the form” T293, Roma
“A long day for the form” Sprueth Magers, Berlino
“Sources in the air” Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven
“Recalling Frames” Metro Pictures Gallery, New York
La Casa MIla , Loop Festival, Barcelona, with Rosa Barba, a cura Cristina Camara Bello
Temporary Projections” Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
” Images with their own shadows” Vjenceslav Richter Collection, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagabria
“Exhibitions for Secession” Wiener Secession, Vienna
“Images with Their Own Shadows” Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana
“Images with Their Own Shadows” Glasgow International Festival of Contemporary Visual Art, Glasgow
“Out of Projection” Art Unlimited, Art 41 basel, Basilea
“Lost Cabinet” Nogueras Blanchard, Barcellona
“Missing Colours” Annet Gelink, Amsterdam
“Recalling Frames” Sprueth Magers, Londra
“Retired Forms” Massimo Minini, Brescia
”Retired Compositions” Metro Pictures, New York
“Nothing Disappears without a Trace” Solo project ARCO, Madrid
”After the Fair” Georg Kargl BOX, Vienna
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid
Fondazione Morra Greco, Napoli
Sprueth Magers, Berlino
“Handed Over” with Rosa Barba, Project Art Centre, Dublino
“Lost Memories from These Days” Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam
”Lost Review”Le Plateau, Parigi
Kunstverein Nurnberg, Nurnberg
”Parallel Compositions” Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen
”Shadow Should Not Exceed” with Jan St Werner, Pinksummer Contemporary Art, Genova
“These Days” Present Future, Artissima 14, Torino
“Almost Here” Kunstverein in Hamburg, Amburgo
“Scene for New Heritage III”, Art Unlimited, Art 38 Basel, Basilea
P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center,, International and National Projects, New York
“Scene for New Heritage Trilogy”, Whitechapel Art Gallery, Londra
“Days Below Memory” CAPC, musee d’art contemporain, Bordeaux
“Scene for New Heritage Trilogy” The Physics Room, Christchurch
Salon of Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade
Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka
“These Days” with Yael Bartana, Gallery Nova, Zagabria
“It’s gonna happen” with Rosa Barba, Croy Nielsen, Berlino
“Scene for New Heritage II” Centre de Creation Contemporaine, Tours
“Waiting Tomorrow” Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam
“90s without 90s” MMC Palach, Rijeka
“Scene for New Heritage” Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven
“Paintings for everyday use” Miroslav Kraljevic Gallery, Zagabria
“Your moment is your heritage” Minimal, Ljubljana
“Space of painting” Moria, Stari Grad
“Transplantation” Kordic Gallery, Velika Gorica
Three Paintings – isn’t a Trilogy” Beck Gallery, Zagabria
Juraj Klovic Gallery, with Tomislav Curkovic, Rijeka
Otok Gallery, Dubrovnik
Gal Gallery, Rijeka
“There is too much of me” Lotrscak Tower, Zagabria
“The dishes are thrown” Palazzo Ploech, Rijeka
“Jederman” Caffe IN, Rijeka
Modern Gallery-Young Artists Club, Rijeka
D’une Méditerranée, l’autre – FRAC – Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azure, Marseille
Random Rapid Heartbeats, Tallinn Art Hall
Works and lives in, Zona Sztuki Aktualnej, Szczecin, PL 11th Gwangju Biennale
Beton, Kunsthalle Wien
Dans un monde magnifique et furieux, Dvir Gallery
To Inherit the Wind: New Perpectives on Heritag, Fundacao Eugenio de Almeida, Evora
Repetition, Boghossian Foundation – Villa Empain, Brussels
Low-Budget Utopias, Museum of Contemporary Art Matelkova, Ljubljana
A Moment of Grace, Modern Art Oxford
A History: Contemporary Art from the Centre Pompidou, Haus der Kunst, Monaco
Faraway So Close, High Line Art, New York
New Vision, Tensta Konsthall, Stoccolma
All the Worlds Futures, Biennale di Venezia – 56th International Art Exhibition, Venezia
Over you/you, The 31st Biennial of Graphic Arts, International Centre of Graphic Arts ( MGLC) Lubiana
New Art For New Society, Wroclaw Contemporary Museum, Wroclaw
Was it car or a cat I saw, SKUC Gallery, Lubiana
Mix Match Museum, Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven
Back to the Future, Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam
75 Gifts for 75 Years, Walker Art Centre, Minneapolis
Scenes for New Heritage, Contemporary Art from the Collection, Museum of Modern Art, New York
Empty Pedestal, Museo Civico Archeologico, curated by Marco Scotini and Giorgio Verzotti, Bologna
Cinema Remake, EYE Film Institute Netherlands, Amsterdam
El Teatro del Mondo, Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporaneo, curated by Andrea Torreblanc, Mexico City
Une Histoire (art arc design / années 80 a nos jours) / A History (art architecture design /front thé 80s to now) Musee national d’art moderne centre Pompidou, Parigi
Personal Cuts, Carre d’Art Musee d’Art Contemporain, Nimes
Coming to Reality, SVIT Praha, curated by Fionn Meade, Praga
Kalashnikov – Gallery of Contemporary Art Bunkies Sztuki, Caracovia
Collective III, Galerie Guy Bartschi, Ginevra
The sea is my land Artisti dal Maditerraneo, La Triennale de Milano, curated by Francesco Bonami, Design Museum, Milano
Ausstellen, Museum Folkwang, Essen
Cinematic Scope, Georg Kargl Fine Art, curated by Fiona Liewehr, Vienna
Zero Point of Meaning, Camera Austria, curated by Sandra Krizic Roban and Ivana Hanacek, Graz
European Kunsthalle in Bregenz KUB Arena Kunsthaus Bregenz, curated by Vanessa Joan Muller and Astrid Wega, Bregenz
Speak Memory, Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery – Columbia University, curated by Tamara Margalit and Beau Rutland, New York, US
Orpheus Twice, David Roberts Art Foundation, Londra
Tomorrow Was Already here, MARCO Museum de Arte Contemporaneo de Monterrey, a cura di Julieta Gonzales, Messico
Sin motive aparante – For no Apparent Reason, CA2M Centre de Art Dos De Mayo, curated by Javier Hontoria, Madrid
The Sea is my Land” MAXXI Museum Rome, curated by Francesco Bonami, Roma
Last Year at Marienbad, Bureau for Open Culture, EFA Project Space, a cura di James Voorhies, New York
The sum of its parts, Contemporary Collage, ACCA Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, a cura di Hannah Matthews, Melbourne
In the cut, ACCA, Melbourne
Near, Closer, Together, Sofia Contemporary, Sofia
Inside outside architecture, Nosjonalmuseet, Museum of Contemporary Art, Oslo
At the outset, Circus, Berlino
Tomorrow was already here, a cura di Julieta Gonzalez, Museo Tamayo, Mexico City
Ecologies of Image, MUSAC, curated by Mark Nash, Leon
Reaview Mirror: New art from Central & Eastern Europe, Art Gallery of Alberta, a cura di Christopher Eamon, Edmonton, Alberta
We are all Astronauts, Zeppelin Museum, Friedrichshafen
Indirect Speech, Bolit Art Centre, Girona
Moving Forward, Counting Backwards, MUAC,Mexico City, a cura di Ivana Bago and Antonia Majaca
Animismus, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, a cura di Anselm Franke, Berlino
Lost Sites, Centro Huarte de Arte Contemporaneo, a cura di Teresa Blanch, Pomplona
A wavy line is drawn across the middle of the original plan, Kolnischer Kunstverein, a cura di Soren Grammel, Colonia
La Triennale, Paris 2012, curated by Okwui Enwezor, Parigi
Performing Abstraction, Luciana Brito Galeria, curated by Rina Carvajal, Sao Paulo
Foreigners Everywhere, Pomeranz collection, Jewish Museum, a cura di Ami Barak, Vienna
Bucharest Biennale 5, a cura di Anne Barlow, Bucharest
Abstraction modernism and contemporaneity, a cura di Ivana Mance, Galerija Klovicevi dvori, Zagreb
One Sixth of the Earth Ecologies of Image, ZKM Zentrum fur Kunst und Medientechnologie, a cura di Mark Nash,Karlsruhe
Habita(n)t, Rabo Art Zon of Rabobank, Utrecht
Art Foundation Mallorca Collection – Special Edition CCA Andratx
Aether project Nouveau Festival du Centre Pompidou, a cura di Christopher Keller, Centre
Pompidou, Parigi
Abstract Possible, a cura di Maria Lind, Museo Tamayo, Mexico City
Magical Consciousness, a cura di Runa Islam, Arnolfini, Bristol
1st Time Machine Biennial of Contemporary Art, D-O ARK Underground Konjic, BiH No Network, a cura di Branislav Dimitrijevic
Wir sind alle Astronauten – Universum Richard Buckminster Fuller, MARTA Herford, curated by Markus Richter
El Grito, a cura di Maria Ines Rodriguez and Sofia Hernandez Chong, MUSAC Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Castilla y Leon
Two Versions of the Imaginary, Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam
The Present’s Present, CAN Centre d’art Nauchatel, Nauchatel
Rearview Mirror, The Power Plant, Toronto, a cura di Christopher Eamon
Look with all your eyes, look, Frith Street Gallery, Londra
Lost Stories, a cura di Barnabas Bencsij, SOKOL Gallery for Contemporary Art, Nowy Sacz
Past Desire, Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck
Estilo indirecto, Fundacio Foto Colectania, curated by Marti Peran, Barcellona
La persistencia de la Geometria, collection of Fundacion “la Caixa” Caixaforum, Madrid
Tales of the City, Art Fund International and GOMA Collection, GOMA, Glasgow
The Present and Presence, MSUM – Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Lubiana
Star City – An Archeology of Communist Futures, Nottingham Contemporary, a cura di Alex
Farguharson, lukasz Ronduda and Michal wolinski, Nottingham
“Che cosa sono le nuvole” Artworks from the Righi Collection, Museum of modern and
contemporary art Bolzano
Fine Line, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
A Pair of Left Shoes – Reality Check in Eastern Europe, MSU Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb
Le Present du passe, FRAC Pays de la Loire, Carquefon
Art Always Has Its Concequences, EX MSU, curated by WHW, Zagabria
Art Always Has Its Consequences, Museum Sztuki Lodz, Lodz
Les Promesses du passe, Centre Pompidou – Musee National d’Art Moderne, a cura di Joanna Mytkowska and Christine Macel, Parigi
Rethinking Location, Sprueth Magers, Berlino
Double Infinity, Duch Culture Centre, a cura di Charles Esche, Davide Quadrio, Defne Ayas,
Remco de Blaaij, Shanghai
Memories of the Future, Sean Kelly Gallery curated by Laurent Grasso, New York
Rehabilitation, Wiels Contemporary Art Cenre Brussels curated by Dirk Snauwaert, Brussels
5×5 Castello 10 Primi Internacional d’Art Contemporani Diputacio de Castello – EACC -Espai d’Art Contemporani de Castello, Castellon de la Plana
29th Bienal de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo
51st Octobar Salon, curated by Johan Pousette and Celia Prada, Belgrado
De Piramide van IJmuiden – RC de Ruimte, IJmuiden
A vision of Central Europe, a cura di Luc Tuymans, Brugge Centraal, Bruges
Unmistakable Sentences – The Collection Revisited, Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest
Modern Ruins, Kate MacGarry, Londra
Places to be, Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam
New Acquisition – Rarely Seen Works, Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest
Europe XXL, a cura di Caroline David and Elena Sorokina, Tri Postal, Lille
Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors, Cosmic Galerie, Parigi
A Pair of Left Shoes, Kunstmuseum Bochum, a cura di Tihomir Milovac, Bochum
Solaris, Gio Marconi Gallery, a cura di Cecilia Alemani, Milano
Transitory Objects, T-B A21 Thyssen – Bornemisza Art Contemporary, a cura di Daniela Zyman, Vienna
Contour,The 4th Video Biennial, a cura di Katerina Gregos, Mechelen
Instantane (75) : Plus general en particulier, Frac – Pays de la Loire, Carqueton
What Keep Mankind Alive, Istanbul Biennial 11, a cura di WHW – What, How and for Whom, Istanbul
Lunar Distance, De Hallen Haarlem, a cura di Suzanne Wallinga, Haarlem
Modernologies, MACBA a cura di Sabine Breitwieser, Barcelona
Down at the Bamboo Club, Picture This, Bristol, UK
The Symbolic Efficiency of the Frame, 4th Tirana International Contemporary Art Biennial, a cura di Corinne Diserens, Tirana
From One Thing to Another, Romanian Cultural Institute, curated by Maria Lind, Stoccolma
Utopia and Monument I, public project, a cura di Sabine Brettwieser, Graz
Zweckgemeinschafft, Micamoca, a cura di Art At Work, Berlino
Warsaw in Construction, Warsaw Museum of Modern Art, a cura di Sebastion Cichocki, Ana Janevski and Tomasz Fudala, Varsavia
Cultural Memories/Recits paralleles, In Situ, a cura di Clement Dirie, Parigi
Star City – An Archeology of Communist Futures, Ujazdowski Castle, a cura di Alex
Farquharson, Lukasz Ronduda and Michal Wolinski, Varsavia
Political Practices of (post) Yugoslav Art: Retrospective 01, Museum 25th of May, a cura di Jelena Vesic, Belgrade
Eyes Wide Open, acquisition, Stedelijk Museum CS, Amsterdam
Cohabitation, Galleria Francesca Kaufmann, Milano
Mobile Archive, Halle für Kunst e.V. Lüneburg
Italia Italie Italien Italy wlochy, ARCOS-Sannio Contemporary Art Museum, a cura di Alessandro Rabottini, Giotto del Vecchio, Elena Lydia Scipioni and Andrea Viliani, Benevento
When Things Cast No Shadow, 5th Berlin Biennial, curated by Elena Filipovic and Adam Szymczyk, Berlino
Lost Worlds – An archeology of future, Centre d’Art Bastille, Grenoble
Wasteland, a cura di Kata Oltai, Pecs
The Violet Hour, Henry Art Gallery with Matthew Day Jackson and Jen Liu, a cura di Sara Krajewski, Seattle
Modern Ruins, Queesland Art Gallery, Queesland
That’s Not How I Remember It, Anna Helwing Gallery, Los Angeles
Something and Something Else, Museum van Bommel van Dam, Velno
Behind, Monitor Gallery, a cura di Ilaria Gianni, Roma
Other Certanties, NYCAMS, a cura di Summer Guthery and Amy Owen, New York
Zero Gravity curated by Vessela Nozharova and Bettina Steinbruegge, Plovdiv
Tryagain,fail again,fail better, Mucsarnok Kusthalle, a cura di Hajnalka Somogyi, Budapest
Rendez-vous nowhere, Montehermoso Cultural Center, curated by Beatriz Herraez, Vitoria- Gasteiz
Can art do more?, 5th Art Focus Jerusalem, a cura di Ami Barak and Bernard Blistene, Jerusalem
Restaging the Past/Dialogue Baltic-Balkans, Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecin, Szczecin
Magellanic Cloud, Centre Pompidou, a cura di Joanna Mytkowska, Parigi
Elephant Cemetery, Artist Space, a cura di Christian Rattemeyer, New York
Der Prozess, Prague Biennial 3, a cura di Marco Scotini, Praga
Ground Lost, Forum Stadtpark, a cura di WHW, Graz
Verbalno vokalno, Galerija SC, a cura di Lala Rascic, Zagabria
Inbetweeness, Complesso di San Michele, ca cura di Dobrila Denegri and Ludovico Pratesi, Roma
Ground Lost, Gallery Nova, a cura di WHW, Zagabria
On Lost Worlds, CAPC muse d’art contemporain, a cura di Charlotte Laubard, Bordeaux
Artist in the wonderland, a cura di Agata Rogos, Gdansk
42th Zagreb Salon, Zagreb HR
Made in, Schloss Ringerberg, a cura di Marcus Lutkemeyer, Ringerberg
The line of time and the plane of now, Harris Lieberman, curated by Ohad Meromi, NY
Kapitaler Glanz, Kunstverein Dusseldorf, a cura di Vanessa Joan Muller, Dusseldorf
Stalking with Stories, apexart, a cura di Antonia Majaca and Ivana Bago, New York
Nature & Society:Parallel Lines, Gliptoteque of the Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagabria
Nature & Society: Parallel Lines, Muzej Rupe, Dubrovnik
Art Protects, Yvon Lambert, Parigi
All Dresed-up with Nowhere to Go, tranzitdisplay, a cura di WHW, Praga
Contemporary Surrealists. Mali salon, a cura di Branko Franceschi, Rijeka
New Ghost Entetaiment-Entitled, Kunsthaus Dresden, curated by Katrin Pesch, Dresden
Art is always somewhere else, 2nd Biennial of Young Artists, Bukarest
47th October Art Salon, a cura di Rene Block, Belgrade
Everywhere, Busan Biennale 06, a cura di Manu Park
Ideal City-Invisible Cities, a cura di Sabrina van der Ley and Markus Richter, Potsdam
Downloads from Future, Kunsthalle Winterthur, a cura di Oliver Kielmayer, Winterthur
Ideal City-Invisible Cities, a cura di Sabrina van der Ley and Markus Richter, Zamoch
Monument to Nikola Tesla, Gallery Nova, a cura di WHW, Zagreb
Phantom, Charlottenborg, a cura di Soren Andresen and Jasper Rasmussen, Copenhagen
Modern Lovers, Three Colts Gallery, a cura di Pil and Galia Kollectiv, Londra
Downloads from Future, Townhouse Gallery, a cura di Oliver Kielmayer, Cairo
Mercury in Retrograde, De Appel, Amsterdam
Again for tomorrow, Royal College of Art, Londra
Interrupted Histories, Gallery of Modern Art, a cura di Zdenka Badovinec, Lubiana
A picture of war is not war, Wilkinson Gallery, Londra
Wild man in the Looking Glass, Art 2102, Los Angeles
Synergy, 40th Zagreb Salon, Zagabria
Mixed Pickles, K3 Project Space, Zurich
Go Inside, Tirana Biennale 3, a cura di Hou Hanru, Tirana
Insert, Retrospective of Croatian Video Art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagabria
Snapshot, Museum of Modern Art, Dubrovnik
Istanbul Biennial 9, a cura di Charles Esche and Vasif Kortun, Istanbul
Present Perfect, T293, Napoli
Artists Books, Art 36 Basel, a cura di Lionel Bovier, Basilea
International Biennial of Contemporary Art, National Gallery, Praga
Le Plateau, with Joan Jonas, curated by Caroline Bourgeois, Parigi
The Imaginary Number, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, a cura di Anselm Franke, Berlino
Telegram, Rosa Barba Studio, Amsterdam
Linear Structures, Riga Gallery, Riga
Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam
Fin de siecle, end of painting?, The Croatian Fine Arts Centre, a cura di Zdenko Rus, Zagabria
Love it or leave it, Cetinje Biennial 5, a cura di Rene Block and Natasa Ilic, Cetinje
Exhibition of Nature and Society, Exit Gallery, a cura di WHW, Peja, Kosovo
Normalisation, Nova Gallery, Zagabria
Painting and Object, Museum of Modern Art, Dubrovnik
Open studios, Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam
Emerging Artists, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, a cura di Natasa Ivancevic, Rijeka
Dislocation, Town Museum of Zagabria
Open studios, Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam
36th Zagreb Salon, curated by Andrej Medved, Zagabria
Slow Watching, Casal Balaguer, Palma de Mallorca
Start, Mestna Gallery, curated by WHW, Ljubljana
Filip, Trade Collection of Contemporary Croatian Art, Manes Gallery, a cura di Zvonko Makovic, Praga
Here Tomorrow, Museum of Contemporary Art, a cura di Roxana Marcoci, Zagabria
Space and Walls, Mali Salon, a cura di Branko Franceschi, Rijeka
16th Blue Salon, Zadar
26th Salon of Young Artists, curated by Jurij Krpan, Michal Kolocek and Slaven Tolj, Zagabria
2nd Salon of Young Artists, Sisak, HR
4th International Student Biennial, Skopje
SC Gallery, curated by David Maljkovic, Zagabria
“New Beginning” SC Club, curated by Marijan Crtalic, Zagabria
Filodrammatica, curated by David Maljkovic, Rijeka
“Millenium” Geto Gallery, curated by Zeljko Jerman, Split
“Vice – chancel prize” Vladimir Nazor Gallery, Zagabria
2nd Croatian Triennial of Drawings, Zagabria
Ars Futura, Matrix Croatica, Trieste
Exhibition of Young Artists, Kortil Gallery, Rijeka
Otok Gallery, curated by Zarko Violic, Dubrovnik
The Day of Planet Earth, Pedestrian Underpass, Rijeka
80 Years Van Abbe – Open for 80 Hours, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven
Modern Mondays, MOMA, New York
Films – Corridor – CECCH – Centre d’edition contemporaine-Geneva, Ginevra
Walking Sideways, Artist Fim Club, ICA, curated by Elsa Couston, Lucia Garavaglia and Alana Kushnir, Londra
Morgenlied, una mostra a cura di Latifa Echakhck and David Maljkovic, Kunsthalle Basel, Basilea
MOCA TV, curated by Michael Connor, MOCA, Los Angeles
Contemporary Past Summer, Nida Art Colony of the Vilnius Academy of Art, Nida, Lithuania
East Side Stories, Palais de Tokyo, Parigi
Propaganda by Monuments, CIC – Contemporary Image Collective, a cura di Clare Butcher
and Mia Jankowicz, Cairo
Bosch Art Film 2011, Den Bosch
History Lessons, MUMOK Museum Modernner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna
Transitland in Trieste – Studio Tommaseo – Instituto per la documentazione e diffusione delle
Arti, Trieste
L’Abstraccionisme Geometric, MACBA, a cura di Sabine Breitwieser, Barcellona
“Just in the Dark” 2nd Roma Art Fair/The Road to Contemporary, Cinema at the Mercati di
Traiano a cura diCecilia Canziani and Andrea Viliani, Roma
Sequelism Part 3 : Possible Probable or Preferable Futures, Arnolfini, a cura di Nav Haq, Bristol
Transitland, The Red House, Centre for Culture and Debate, Sofia
Transmediale, Transitland destination Berlin (TCP) Cellegium Hungaricum, Berlino
Videoteque, Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam
A Night of Provisional Futures, NAI (Netherlands Architecture Institute) Rotterdam
These Days, Kunstzeitraum, Munich
Oracle of the Constitution, Art Dubai” a cura di Nav Hag, Dubai
CCCS – Centre for Contemporary Culture la Strozzina, Firenze
Videotheque mobile/Residents, Le Plateau, Paris, FRFiac Cinema, Palais de Tokyo, Parigi
Back to the Future, Borderline Festival of Movig Images, a cura di Jelena Vesic, Beijin
Coffe Break, Sibiu Urban Ambient progetto, Sibiu
Just Around the Block, a cura di Magdalena Ziolowska, Bijlmer
Normalization, LACE, a cura di WHW, Los Angeles
Normalization, 16 Beaver, a cura di WHW, NY
Strange Weather, NBK, selezione di Michelle Cotton, Berlino
Normalization, Platform Garnati Contemporary Art Centre, selezione di Minna Henrikson, Istanbul
Challenging the East-West Art Map”, U-turn, selezione di Angelika Richter, Copenhagen
Glocal Realities as Periferal In-Betweeness, Tranzit, selezione di Antonia Majaca, Praga
Stories from Neigbourhood, De Balie, selezione di Jelena Vesic, Amsterdam
Rituals, The Artists Cinema,Frieze Art Fair, a cura di Cristina Ricuperto, London
Zagreb Calling” Maison populaire, selezione di Ivana Mestrov, Montreuil
Visura aperta, Momiano
Imaginary is Potential, MUU, selezione di Henrikke Nielsen, Helsinki
Imaginary is Potential, Nikolaj centre of contemporary art, Copenhagen
Imaginary is Potential, Halle fur Kunst, Luneburg
Imaginary is Potential, W139, Amsterdam
Stories from Neighbourhood, Kunsthalle Tallinn, selezione di Jelena Vesic, Tallinn
Serial Cases, selezione di Antonia Majaca, Usti nad Labem, Istanbul, Iasi, Graz, Sofia, Holon, Novi Sad, Zagabria
Normalisation and Its Discontents, selezione di Natasa ilic, Askalalwan, Beirut
Centre Pompidou, Paris
CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Madrid
David Roberts Foundation, London
EACC Espai d’art contemporani de Castello
Enea Righi Collection
Espacio 1414, Santurce
EVN Collection, Maria Enzerdorf
Filip Trade Collection, Zagreb
Fonds municipal d’art contemporain, Ville de Paris
Frac des Pays de la Loire
FRAC – Ile-de-France – Le Plateau, Paris
LA CAIXA Foundation Contemporary Art Collection, Barcelona
GOMA – Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow
Kadist art Foundation, Paris
Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz
Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest
MUDAM Musee d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean, Luxembourg
MUMOK, Vienna
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid
Museum of Modern Art, New York
Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka
Pomeranz Collection, Vienna
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
Tate Collection, London
T-B A21 Thyssen – Bornemisza Art contemporary, Vienna
Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven
Walker Art Centre, Minneapolis