Amy O’Neill

Born in Beaver, Pennsylvania in 1971.
Lives in New York.



Convex Cornea, Kristina Kite Gallery, Los Angeles

P F G, Chateau Bussy, France

Dura Mater, Pinksummer, Genova, Italy
Parade Float Graveyard, Chateau Bussy-Rabutin, FR

Loaded and Rolling, Karma, New York, NY
TRUCKS, Mamco, Geneve, CH

The Escapement, Grande-Riviere, France, (pubic commission for Foundation France, curated by Xavier Douroux)
HLUSA, Swiss Institute, New York

HLUSA, Swiss Institute, New York
V, Blancpain Art Contemporain, Geneve, CH
V, FRAC Basse-Normandie, Caen, FR

V Gardens, Praz-Delavallade, Paris, FR
Forests, Gardens & Joes, Centre Cultural Suisse, Paris, FR

Pilgrim Boudoir in Au verso des images – Cycle Futur antérieur, séquence d’été 2010, MAMCO, Geneva, CH

Old Women’s Shoe/ Zoo Revolution, Printemps de Septembre, curated by Christian Bernard, Toulouse, FR
Slow Ice, Blancpain Art Contemporain, Geneve

Pilgrim Motel, Gallery Praz-Delavallade, Berlin
Forest Park Forest Zoo, The Box, Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, Ohio
Hollow Trees and Storybook Ruins, FriArt, Fribourg

Forest Park Forest Zoo, Blancpain Art Contemporain, Statements, Art | 38 | Basel
The Golden West, Alexandre Pollazzon LTD, London
Forest Park Forest Zoo, Sculpture Center, Long Island City, New York

Home Sweet Home, CCC, Tours, France
Parade Float Graveyard, L’Usine, Le Consortium, Dijon, France
If I Were A Carpenter, Blancpain Stepczynski Gallery, Geneva

The Vintage Years, Specta Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
Happy Trails Supersized (from Parade Float Graveyard), Magasin, Grenoble, France

Old Noah’s Ark (from Parade Float Graveyard), curated by Bob Nickas, Special Projects, P.S.1/MoMA, Long Island City, New York

Happy Trails, Praz-Delavallade, Paris
Pinksummer Gallery, Genova, Italy

New Installations, Spencer Brownstone Gallery, New York

Ojo de Dios, Musée d’art moderne et contemporain (Mamco), Geneva
dm-melkenburg, with Emmanuel Piguet, Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva

Häagen-Dazs® monde, CAP, Fribourg, Switzerland

Florida, Circuit, Lausanne, Switzerland

LOKN4U, Spencer Brownstone Gallery, New York

“Curtains” for Lyric Theatre, Francesca Pia Gallery, Bern

A Tramp Abroad, Forde • Espace d’art contemporain, Geneva



The Daily Show, Bureau, New York, NY
Biens Public, Musee Rath, Geneva, CH
Plateforme(S), CACY, Yverdon-Les-Bains, CH

Plateforme(s), CACY, Yverdon-Les-Bains, CH
Another, Once Again, Many Times More, curated by Bob Nikas, Martos Gallery, East Marion, NY
Parti-Pris 1989-2014, Blancpain Art Contemporain, Geneve, CH

Post-Mortem, Ford Gallery, Geneve, CH
LAT. 41 7’N., LONG. 72 19’W, Organized by Bob Nickas, 12395 Main Road, East Marion, NY
“L’Eternel Detour. Sequence printemps 2013”, Mamco, Geneve, CH

Love Is Not In Control, by Vidya Gastaldon, New Jersey, Bern, CH
Le FRAC s’invite au Consortium, Le Consortium, Dijon, FR
cycle L’Eternel Detour, Mamco, Geneve, CH
ERASED, curated by Stephen Felton, Ventana244, Brooklyn, NY
Creature From the Blue Lagoon, organized by Bob Nikas, Bridgehampton, NY
Standard Operating Procedure, curated by Piper Marshall, Blum and Poe, Los Angeles, CA
A Child’s Guide to Good and Evil, Ramiken Crucible, New York, NY

The 2011 Bridgehampton Biennial, organized by Bob Nikas, Bridgehampton, NY
Grounded, curated by Stephen Felton, 88 Eldridge St/4th Fl, New York, NY
Sculpture, curated by Alexis Johnson, Paula Cooper Gallery, New York, NY
Voici un dessin Suisse (1990-2010), Kunstmuseum d’Aarau,CH

Looking Back, The Fifth White Columns Annual, by Bob Nikas, White Columns, NY, US
Let’s Dance, Le Musee d’art contemporain, VAL de Marne, FR
Extraits de Printemps, Experience Pommery # 8, Pommery, FR
Sound Design For Future Films, Wexner Center, Columbus, OH, US
Voici un dessin Suisse (1990-2010), Musee Rath, Geneve, CH

Variety Show, organized by Jason Fulford, PS1, LIC, NY
SOT-L’Y-LAISSE, Batiment d’art contemporain, Geneve, CH
Parades and Procession, Parasol Unit, London, UK
Flower Power, curated by Andrea Busto, Villa Giulia, Verbania,IT

Variety Show, curated by Jason Fulford, Aperture Foundation, NY, NY
The Alliance, curated by Seungduk Kim & Franck Gautherot, doART, Seoul, Korea
Abstraction Extension, curated by Christian Besson, Julien Fronsacq, and Samuel Gross, Chateau d’Arenthon, Alex, France
Village Oblivia (with inveromuto), RAUM, Bologna, Spain, Oct 24th
On Procession, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indiana, USA
The Alliance, curated by Seungduk Kim & Franck Gautherot, doART, Seoul, Korea
Revisited, a proposition by Dan Walsh, La Salle de Bains, Lyon, France

Bastard Creature, based on two exhibitions curated by Steven Parrino in 1999 and 2003, Palais de Tokyo, Paris
The Happiness of Objects, curated by Sarina Basta, Sculpture Center, Long Island City, New York
Worker Drone Queen, curated by Nicolas Trembley, Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris
The Stable, curated by Jason Fulford and Leanne Shapton, OKOK Gallery, Seattle, Washington
Plastic / Une proposition de John Tremblay / Objets en plastique thermoformé, des années 1960 à nos jours, Cabinet des estampes du Musée d’art et d’histoire, Geneva

J & L Presents, Marcia Wood Gallery, Atlanta, Georgia
All we ever wanted was everything, curated by Corinne Charpentier, Centre d’art contemporain La Synagogue, Delme, France

Conversation Pieces / Regards sur la collection du Fonds d’art contemporain de la Ville de Genève (Fmac), Centre d’art contemporain, Geneva

Enchanté Château, curated by Christian Bernard (Mamco), Fondation pour l’art contemporain Claudine et Jean-Marc Salomon, Château d’Arenthon, Alex, France
Gallery Artists, Blancpain Stepczynski Gallery, Geneva
Andersen Associations, Specta Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
From the Street, curated by John Tremblay, Champion Fine Arts, Los Angeles, California

None of the Above, curated by John Armleder, Swiss Institute, New York

The Age of Optimism, curated by Fabrice Stroun, Kilchmann Plus Gallery, Zurich
Negociation: for Love or Money? / A collective exhibition of drawing, curated by Eveline Notter, donzévansaanen Gallery, Lausanne
Doubtiful / Dans les plis du réel, Galerie Art & Essai, Université Rennes 2, Rennes, France
Genesis Sculpture, curated by Stéphanie Moisdon Trembley, Domaine Pommery, Reims, France

Never Mind Your Step, curated by John Armleder, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, Switzerland
Jammed, Smart Project Space, Amsterdam
First International Prague Biennial, Prague
Vidya Gastaldon, Amy O’Neill, Pierre Vadi, Centre d’art contemporain, Geneva
The Return of the Creature, curated by Steven Parrino, Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn und Taxis, Bregenz, Austria
Ojo de Dios, Galerie des arts visuels, Québec, a part of Happiness and Pretence, Québec City Biennial
Geneva News, Musée d’art moderne et contemporain (Mamco), Geneva

Animation: Vidéos, Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva
7 Grays, curated by Dan Walsh, Paula Cooper Gallery, New York

How Is Everything? Everything’s Going To Be… Alright., curated by Bob Nickas, Elizabeth Cherry Contemporary Art, Tucson, Arizona

2o / Summer Exhibition, Spencer Brownstone Gallery, New York
Etat des lieux # 2 | Préfiguration du Museum of Contemporary Art, Tucson (AZ) • Collection JRP, curated by Lionel Bovier, Fri-Art • Centre d’art contemporain, Fribourg
Buy-Self, capcMusée d’art contemporain, Bordeaux

The Bastard Kids of Drella / Part 9, curated by Steven Parrino, Le Consortium, Dijon, France
xn 99, curated by Stéphanie Moisdon Tremblay (with the assistance of Lionel Bovier), Espace des Arts, Chalon-sur-Saône, France

In Vitro e Altro / Affiches d’artistes / Hors-scène #3, Cabinet des estampes du Musée d’art et d’histoire, Geneva
Architectural Drawing Show, curated by Klaus Biesenbach, P.S.1, Long Island City, New York

Post-production • Dan Walsh et éditions Forde 1996-1997, curated by Lionel Bovier and Christophe Cherix, Forde • Espace d’art contempo­rain, Geneva
Ecart booth, Art 28’97, Basel
504 / Ein Austellungsprojekt der Klasse John Armleder / Hochschule für Bildende Künste,
Zentrum für Kunst, Medien und Design, Braunschweig, Germany



Jean-Max Colard, « La gloire des sentiers » Les Inrockuptibles, May 2011
Bob Nikas,« Memory and Displacement in the Work of Amy O’Neill », catalogue Forests, Gardens & Joe’s, 2011, co-published by Centre Culturel Suisse and JL books
« Amerique », Le Journal des Arts, May 2011
Séverine Fromaigeat, « Amy O’Neill- Les lieux (des) enchantes de l’âpre Amérique », Kunstbulletin, May 2011, p. 54-59
Laurent Wolf, « Comment se Trouver ou se perdre dans les miroirs de la mémoire », Le Temps, 17 May, 2011

Holland Cotter, “’Looking Back’:’The Fifth White Columns Annual’”, (NY Times 12.23.10)
Tissot, Karine, La campagne nord-américaine s’installe à Genève, La Tribune des Arts, September 10, 2010, p.40
Let’s Dance, entretien Alexia Fabre et Franck Lamy, MAC/VAL, 2010 (cat.)

Gasparina, Jill, Amy O’Neill, 02 magazine, Spring 2008
Amy O’Neill: Suburban Imagination, Text by Frank Gautherot, John Miller, JRP Ringier, 2008 (cat)
Chauvy, Laurence, Les ruines de la nature, Le Temps, April 8, 2008
Carmen, René, Amy O’Neill – Culture made in USA, Accrochages, March 2008
Amy O’Neill, futuro contemporary / art 14, March 2008