Baukuh is an architectural office that was founded in January 2004 in Milan. The professionals working there are Paolo Carpi, Silvia Lupi, Vittorio Pizzigoni, Giacomo Summa, Pier Paolo Tamburelli e Andrea Zanderigo . Baukuh’s project management relies on team-work, and it is independent from personal tastes. The absence of a non-hierchical structure and restrictions on style allows Baukuh to be able to solve rationally any kind or architectural problem.
Baukuh won architectural international competitions (Amsterdam 2003, Budapest 2003, Pavia 2006, Genova 2009, Milano 2011). It also both designed and managed public estates (Brugnato 2007, Milano 2011) and plans (Amsterdam 2004-08, Venezia 2007) . It exhibited its projects at the Biennale di Rotterdam (2007 e 2012) and at the Biennale di Venezia (2008, 2011) and it was nominated for both prize Chernikov (2006, 2008, 2010) and Ordos (2009).