Richard Wentworth
Richard Wentworth born in 1947 in Samoa, Polinesia.
Royal College of Art, London
Worked for Henry Moore
Taught at Goldsmith’s College, University of London
Fellowship at the San Francisco School of Art
Ruskin Master of Drawing at Ruskin School of Art, Oxford.
Greenwich Theatre Gallery, Londra
Lisson Gallery, Londra
Galeri Lang, Malmö, Svezia
Lisson Gallery, Londra
Riverside Studios, Londra
Galerie Paul Andriesse, Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi
Wolff Gallery, New York, NY
Sala Parpallo, Valencia (a cura di Juan Vincente Aliaga);
Touring to Metronom, Barcellona
Wolff Gallery, New York, NY
Kohji Ogura Gallery, Nagoya
The Serpentine Gallery, Londra
Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol
Musée des Beaux-Arts et de la Dentelle, Calais
Travelling Without a Map, Kunst-Werke, DAAD, Berlino
Richard Wentworth: Sculptuur, Stedelijk Museum, Hertogenbosch
Richard Wentworth, Lisson Gallery, Londra
Richard Wentworth, Kunstverein Freiburg, touring in 1998 to Stadtische Galerie Göppingen, Bonner Kunstverein
Richard Wentworth, Monica De Cardenas, Milano
Richard Wentworth, Galerie Weisses Schloss, Zürich
Richard Wentworth, Kunsthalle Goppingen, Goppingen
Richard Wentworth, Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn
Richard Wentworth’s Thinking Aloud, Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge
Richard Wentworth, Lisson Gallery, Londra
Richard Wentworth, Galerie Margaret Biedermann, Monaco
Point de Vue – Point of View, Musée des Beaux-Arts et de la Dentelle, Calais
An Area of Outstanding Unnatural Beauty, Artangel, King’s Cross, Londra
Glad that things don’t talk, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublino
Richard Wentworth, Tate Liverpool, Liverpool
Richard Wentworth, Lisson Gallery, London
Richard Wentworth, Pharos Centre for Contemporary Art
Scrape/Scratch/Dig – Pavement Gallery, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester
Richard Wentworth: Three Guesses, Whitechapel Gallery, Londra
Richard Wentworth, Peter Freeman Inc., New York
Richard Wentworth, Galerie Nelson-Freeman, Parigi
Richard Wentworth/ Alessandra Spranzi, Galeria Nicoletta Rusconi, Milano
Richard Wentworth, Art Unlimited Basel con Nelson Freeman Gallery
Richard Wentworth, Lisson Gallery, Londra
Black Maria, in collaborazione con Gruppe, Kings Cross, Londra
Richard Wentworth, Peter Freeman Inc., New York
Young Contemporaries, Royal Academy of Arts, Londra
Wall Show, Lisson Gallery, Londra
Whitechapel Open, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London
Prize Winner, Tolly Cobbold Eastern Arts, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
The Sculpture Show, Hayward Gallery e Serpentine Gallery, Londra
The British Art Show, organizzato da the Arts Council of Great Britain, mostra itinerante the City Museum, Art Gallery e Ikon Gallery. Birmingham. Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh. Mappin Art Gallery, Sheffield. Southhampton Art Gallery.
Richard Wentworth, Allan McCollum, Lisson Gallery, Londra
Three British Sculptors, The Israel Museum, Gerusalemme
Sculpture: Vito Acconci, Stuart Sherman, Haim Steinbach and Richard Wentworth, Carpenter & Hochman, New York, NY
Inscriptions and Inventions: British Photography in the 1980s’, British Council touring exhibition ‘20th Anniversary Show’, Lisson Gallery, Londra
Britannia – Paintings and Sculptures from the 19080’s, Sara Hilden Art Museum,Tampere
Metaphor, Kent Gallery, New York
Britannica: 30 Years of Sculpture, Musée des Beaux-Arts André Malraux, Le Havre, France
Touring to Ecole d’Architecture de Normandie, Rouen Darnetal and to Musée d’Evreux, Evreux
European Avant-Garde, Freedman Gallery at Albright College, Reading
Biennale of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
It’s a Still Life, Wolsey Art Gallery & The Room Upstairs, Ipswich
The Saatchi Gift, Tate Gallery, Londra
‘British Sculpture from the Arts Council Collection’, organised by the Arts Council of Great Britain, Derby Museum and Art Galley Centre d’Art Contemporain, Geneva, Svizzera
De Henry Moore ós anos 90 – Escultura británica contemporánea’, Santiago de Compostela, Spain (itinerante alla Serralves Foundation, Portogallo)
Here and Now, Serpentine Gallery, Londra
Ideal Standard Summertime, Lisson Gallery, Londra
4th Istanbul Biennal, Istanbul
Pretext: Heteronyms, Rear Window, Londra
Arte inglese d’oggi nella Collezione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino
Michael Corris “Gang Warefare”, Le Consortium, Digione
Material Culture: The Object in British Art of the 1980s and 1990s, Hayward Gallery, Londra
We Gotta Get Out of This Place, CUBITT, Londra
A Ilha Do Tesouro/Treasure Island, Centro de Arte Moderna, CAM, Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbona
Fast Forward – 2. Abschnitt: FFWD trade marks, Kunstverein in Hamburg, Amburgo
Furnitutre, Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool
La casa, il corpo, il cuore. Konstruktion der Identitaten, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, MUMOK, Vienna
Frisch gerahmt, Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn
Linhas de Sombra, Centro de Arte Moderna, CAM, Fundaçao Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbona
Quotidiana, Castello di Rivoli, Museo d’arte Contemporanea, Torino
Learning Less, Centro de la Imagen, Mexico City, Mexico, a cura di Patricia Martin (itinerante a Guadalajara)
American Bricolage, Sperone Westwater , New York
Dinge in der Kunst des XX. Jahrhundert, Haus der Kunst, Monaco
As it is, Ikon Gallery, Birmingham
At Home With Art, ArtSway, Sway, Hampshire
Aprendiendo menos, Centro de la Imagen, Mexico City
Field Day, Sculpture from Britain, Taipei Fine Arts Museum and The British Council
Faux Amis – Richard Wentworth and Eugene Adget, The Photographer’s Gallery, Londra
Head On, Science Museum, Londra
>Double Vision<, Galerie fur Zeitgenossische Kunst, GfZK, Leipzig
Kunster der Galerie, Galerie Biedermann, Monaco
The Language of Things, Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Fluxus Memorial Show, a cura di Rene Block, Wisbaden
En route, Serpentine Gallery, Londra
Utopie Quotidiane – L’uomo e I suoi sogni nell’arte dal 1960 ad oggi, PAC –Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea, Milano
SCAPE 2002, SCAPE Biennal of Art in Public Space, Christchurch
25th Bienal de Sao Paolo, Bienal de Sao Paolo, Sao Paolo
Blast to Freeze – British Art in the 20th century, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg
Out of Place, Harewood House
Independence’, South London Gallery, Londra
Absolute Generation, 50th Venice Biennale, Venezia
Ex-press, Royal College of Art Galleries, Londra
Weltkunst Collection: Glad that things don’t talk, Irish Museum of Modern Art, IMMA, Dublino
Sao Paulo Biennale, Sao Paulo, Brazil Messico come parte del British Council
Settlements, a cura di Lorand Hegyi, Musee D’Art Moderne, St Etienne
Walk Ways, Surrey Art Gallery, Surrey, BC
Still Life e Natureza, Museu de Arte Contemporanea da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo
Bye-Bye blackboard…from Einstein and others, Museum of the History of Science, Oxford STATE OF MIND, London School of Economics
STATE OF MIND, London School of Economics, England May a cura di Ruth Maclennan and Simon Gould.
Effervescence, Musee des Beaux Arts, Angers
Be Ready, Heart, For Parting, New Endeavour, Great Eastern Hotel, Liverpool St. London EC2
Like Nothing Else: Experiment , Risk and Gallery Education, Arnolfini, Bristol Felbrigg Hall, Norfolk, England
Centre of Gravity, Istanbul Museum of Modern Art
Raised Awareness, a cura di Bill Woodraw, Tate Modern, Londra
La sculpture dans l’espace, Musee Auguste Rodin – Hotel Biron, Parigi
(Hi)story, Kunstmuseum Thun, Thun
Centre of Gravity, Istanbul Modern, Istanbul
Still Life – Naturaleza muerta arte contemporaneo britanico y peruano, Museo de Arte de Lima, Lima
Only Make-Believe: Ways of Playing, Compton Verney, Warwickshire
Out of Place, New Art Gallery Walsall, Walsall
The 80s: A Topology, Museu Serralves, Porto
Tuttolibri, Galleria Milano, Milano
Multiplication, MAC Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Universidad de Chile, Santiago
Hande, Galerie Biedermann, Monaco
Everydebris, St Pauls Artspace, Londra
Natures Silencesioses, Fundacion Ordonez-Falcon de Fotografia, Centre d’Art la Panera, Lleida
De literature, libros y librerias, Galeria Rafael Ortiz, Siviglia
Venice: City of Dreams?, Sotheby’s, Londra
Reality Undone, University Gallery, Colchester
Global Cities, Tate Modern, Londra
It Starts From Here, De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill on Sea
Out of the Box and In the German Ryan Collection, The New Art Gallery Walsall, Walsall
Shifting Ground, Angel Row Gallery, Nottingham
Tales of Time and Space, Folkestone Triennial, Folkestone, UK
Darwin’s Canopy, Natural History Museum, Londra
Safe as Houses, Karsten Schubert Gallery, Londra
Localisms, Museum De Paviljoens, Almere, Netherlands
The History of the Roundel, Art on the Underground, Londra
Building Bridges, The Red Mansion Foundation, Beijing
Book-ish, Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork Martian Museum of Terrestrial Art’, Barbican Art Gallery, Londra
Die Lucky Bush, MuKHA, Anversa
Grotto, Museum 52, Londra
Manifesto Marathon’, Serpentine Gallery, Londra
Uncommon Sense, Fort Worth Contemporary Arts, Fort Worth
Show Down, Quint Contemporary Art, La Jolla
Long Distance Information, Bengal Gallery of Fine Arts, Dhaka
Alice, son miroir et ses merveilles, Musee des Beaux Arts de Calais
Making Worlds, 52nd Venice Biennale, Venezia
Cabinet of Curiosities, Whitechapel Art Gallery, Londra
Mythologies, Haunch of Venison, Londra
La Biennale de Montréal 2009, Montreal
British Council Collection: The Third Dimension, Whitechapel Gallery, Londra
More Mergers & Acquisitions, Atlanta Contemporary Art Center, Atlanta
Play’, Paradise Row, Londra
Extraordinary Days, Oriel Davies Gallery, Newton, Powys
Just Around the Corner, La Casa Encendida, Madrid
Boule to Braid, Lisson Gallery, Londra
Lisson Presents 2, Lisson Gallery, Londra
Gestures & Procedures, ACCA – Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne
Book Ends, James Fuentes LLC, New York
Quartet-Four Biennials Reflected in Prints, International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC), Ljubljana
THROUGH THE LOOKING BRAIN – A Swiss Collection of Conceptual Photography, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Bonn
40 Ideal Home, Chelsea Space, Chelsea College of Art and Design, Londra
A Future Pump House: Ideas, Thoughts and Plans, Pump House Gallery, Londra
Sculpture, Peter Freeman Inc, New York, NY
Qui admirez-vous?, La Box, Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Art de Bourges, Bourges
Shelter, Peter Freeman Inc, New York, NY
The Sculpture Show, National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh
Where is the Power, Fort Worth Contemporary Arts, Dallas
The Artists, Postcard Show, Spike Island, Bristol
Frieze Masters, Lisson Gallery, Frieze, Londra
Walk On, touring exhibition, PMG Gallery Londra, NGCA Sunderland
Push pins in elastic space, Galerie Nelson-Freeman, Parigi
Bookhouse, La Forma Del Libro. Museo delle Arti Catanzaro, Catanzaro
Curiosity’ Hayward Gallery touring exhibition, Turner Contemporary, Margate
The World Turned Upside Down – Buster Keaton, Sculpture and the Absurd, Mead Gallery Warkick Arts Centre, Conventry
Do It, Manchester Art Gallery, MIF Manchester
Nostalgic for the Future, Lisson Gallery, Londra
Curiosity, De Appel Arts Centre, Amsterdam
Genius Loci, Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti, Venezia
Object Matter, Galleri Susanne Ottesen, Copenhagen
Somewhat Abstract, Nottingham Contemporary and Nottingham
Walk On, touring exhibition MAC Birmingham & The Atkinsons Southport
Fax, KARST, Plymouth
Edge of the Seat: The Artist’s Chair, Large Glass, London Curating
Richard Wentworth’s Thinking Aloud, National Touring Exhibition (Hayward Gallery) Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge; touring to Corner House, Manchester and Camden Art Centre, Londra
Boule to Braid, Lisson Gallery, Londra
History is Now: 7 Artists Take On Britain, Hayward Gallery, Londra
Talking Art, ICA, London, 4 December
Lecture, Whitechapel Art Gallery, 26 August
The Joseph Beuys Lectures, Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, Oxford