Books Luca Vitone

Luca Vitone
Pagine: 192
Lingua: Italiano/Inglese
Anno: 2019
ISBN: 9788899385651
Available online

Io, Luca Vitone
Luca Vitone
Silvana Editoriale
Available online here
ISBN 9788836638031
The volume, edited by Luca Lo Pinto and Diego Sileo, describes the first large-scale anthological exhibition devoted to the intense, diverse production of Luca Vitone. Starting from the architecture – both physical and historical – of a place, Vitone analyses a personal dimension built up via a stratification of different languages linked to the identity and roots of the place itself.
Like a curious, indefatigable traveller – whose spirit lies somewhere between anarchy and nomadism – his work explores the many ways in which places build up their identities through culture: art, music, architecture, politics and ethnic minorities.
For the first time ever, this catalogue gathers a rich selection of works created by the artist in a career spanning thirty years, juxtaposed with reviews of the shows wherein these works were originally exhibited, here introduced through essays written by over 70 authors.
Effemeride Prini
Luca Vitone
Available online here
ISBN 9788874628476

Luca Vitone. Imperium
Luca Vitone, Marius Babias, Eva Scharrer
Neuer Berliner Kunstaverein
ISBN 9783894249823

Luca Vitone. Presente materiale
Luca Vitone, Letizia Ragaglia, Giovanni Iovane, Stefano Chiodi, Emanuela De Cecco, Giovanni Garrera, Elio Grazioli, Luca Trevisani
Mousse publishing, Fondazione Brodbeck, Museion Bolzano
Available online here
ISBN 9788867490196

Vuole Canti. Cammin Facendo. A project by Luca Vitone
Luca Vitone
Fondazione Galleria Civica. Centro di Ricerca sulla Contemporaneità di Trento

Luca Vitone. Ultimo Viaggio
Luca Vitone, Raffaella e Stefano Sciarretta, Cecilia Canziani, Ilaria Gianni
Edizioni Nomas Foundation
Available online here

Luca Vitone. Prêt-à-porter
Luca Vitone, Davide Paolini, Stefano Pezzato
Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci
ISBN 978-88-85191-25-9

Luca Vitone. Gli occhi di Segantini
Luca Vitone
Available online here
ISBN 886130360

Luca Vitone. Ovunque a casa propria
Luca Vitone and varoius artists
Herausgeber Editori
ISBN 978-88-86857-73-4

Luca Vitone, Ilaria Mariotti
Felci Editore
Available online here
ISBN 88-6019-070-3

Luca Vitone. Memorabilia
Luca Vitone
Edizioni micromuseum

Rime boscose e altri racconti. Monica Carocci Luca Vitone
Monica Carocci Luca Vitone
Palazzo delle Papesse Centro Arte Contemporanea

Luca Vitone. Stundàiu
Luca Vitone, Tolomeo Speranza Maria Grazia, Christov Bakargiev Carolyn
Castelvecchi Editore
Available online here

Luca Vitone. Hole
Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Bartolomeo Pietromarchi
P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, Fondazione Adriano Olivetti