Mark Dion, Dana Sherwood, Tuguldur Yondonjamts – Mystical geographies and landscapes of deep time: three artists explore Mongolia In Mostre / Mostre Mark Dion
Invernomuto – MED T-1000 – Pinksummer goes to Palermo In Mostre / Mostre Invernomuto / Mostre Palermo
Peter Fend – Costa Verso Costa – Pinksummer goes to Palermo In Mostre / Mostre Palermo / Mostre Peter Fend
Luca Trevisani – 38° 11′ 13.32” N 13° 21′ 4.44” E 44° 24′ 27.4” N 8° 55′ 60.0” E In Mostre / Mostre Luca Trevisani
Mariana Castillo Deball – The Tortoise and other footraces between unequal contestants In Mostre / Mostre Mariana Castillo Deball / Mostre Roma