Bojan Šarčević
Bojan Šarčevič was born in 1974.
He lives and works in Basilea e a Parigi.
Thank you for pointing to your perineum, BQ, Berlin, Germany
L’extime, galerie frank elbaz, Paris, France
Sentimentally is the core, Modern Art, London
Slampadato, Pinksummer, Roma
Invagination, Modern Art, London
In the rear view mirror, BQ, Berlin, Germany
In the rear view mirror, Pinksummer, Genova, Italy
Gyrobifastigium, Stuart Shave / Modern Art, London
L’Ellipse D’Ellipse, L’IAC, Villeurbane
A Curious Contortion in the Method of Progress, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz
Rhombic Oath, Leopol hoesch Museum, Duren, Germany
At Present, BQ, Berlin, Germany
Comme des chiens et des vagues, Gallery Modern Art, London
True enough, Pinksummer, Genova
Eventuellement, Le Grand Cafe, St.Nazaire
Involuntary twitch, De Vleeshal, Middelburg
The breath-taker is the breath-giver, Gallery Carlier Gebauer, Berlin.
Only After Dark, Kunstverein Hamburg.
Already vanishing, MAMBO, Bologna.
Only After Dark, Le Credac, Ivry. untitled, Gallery BQ, Cologne.
Kissing the back of your hand sounds like a wounded bird, Bawag Foundation Wien.
Sometimes a man gets carried away, Kunstverein Heilbronn.
To what extent should an artist understand the implications of his or her findings?,
Project Arts Centre, Dublin and The Model Arts – Niland Gallery, Sligo
Replace the Irreplaceable, Gallery Carlier Gebauer, Berlin.
Wanting withouth needing, Loving withouth leaning, ArtPace Fondation, San Antonio,
Keep the illusion for the end, BQ, Cologne.
Everything makes sense in the reverse, Pinksummer, Genova.
1954, Gallery Carlier Gebauer, Berlin.
Verticality downwards, Kunstverein Munich, Munich.
Where the hand doesn’t enter, heat infuses, IAC Institut d’Art Contemporain,
Spirit of Versatility and Inclusivnes, BQ, Cologne.
Rien ne peut venir que d’ailleurs, Centre d’Art Contemporain Bretigny, Bretigny sur Orge.
Pinksummer, Genova
Inova, Milwaukee. TBA, Inc. Chicago.
Eingang Links, Kunstverein Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf Cover Versions, Stedelijk Museum
Bureau Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
Gallery Gebauer, Berlin.
Strange, I’ve seen that face before, Modern Institute, Glasgow.
Favourite cloths worn while she or he worked, Gesellschaft fur Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen.
It seems that an animal is in the world as water in the water, BQ, Cologne
Kunsthalle Lophem, Brugge.
Irrigation-Fertilisation, Salon 3, London.
Looking Through the Threshold Galerie Carlier Gebauer, Berlin, Germany
58th October Salon, Belgrade Biennial, The Dreamers Belgrade Serbia
All the time that came before this moment, Kunst Raum Riehen, Basil, Switzerland, forthcoming
Delirious – Jubilee Edition, curated by Chris Driessen and David Jablonowski, Lustwarande, Tilburg, Netherlands
Raymond, curated by Luca Trevisani, Manifesta 12, Grand Hotel et des Palmes, Palermo, Italy
ISelf Collection: Bumped Bodies, Whitechapel Gallery, London
Décor, Frac de Pays de la Loire, Carquefou, France
The Reservoir of Modernism, Kunstmeseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Why are my friends such finks 1998-2018, BQ, Berlin, Germany
Don’t look like a line, Pinksummer, Turin, Italy
FADE IN 2: EXT. MODERNIST HOME – NIGHT, Gallery-Legacy of Milica Zorić & Rodoljub Čolaković, Belgrade, Serbia
MANIERA 12 & 13: Christ & Gantenbein and Bojan Šarčević, Maniera, Brussels, Belgium
The Inner Skin: Art and Shame, Marta Herford, Herford, Germany
Theories of Modern Ar, Stuart Shave/Modern Art, London
Geographies of Dust and Air, Mary Mary, Glasgow, Scotland
Political Landscape: Art, Resistance, Salzkammergut Institute for Art in Public Sphere Styra / Janneum Universal Museum, Salzkammergut, Austria
An Intervention, John Hansard Gallery, Southampton University, Southhampton, UK
The Reclutant Narrator, Berardo Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Lisbon,
O Narrador Relutante, Praticas Narrativas na Arte Contemporanea, Berardo Museum,
Collection of Modern and Contemporary Art, Lisbon
Il Piedistallo vuoto. Fantasmi dall’Est Europa – Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna,Bologna, Italy
After, JGM. Galerie, comissioned by Marjolaine Lévy, Paris, France
Film as Sculpture, curated by Elena Filipovic, Wiels, Brussels
Jupiter, Edinburgh, Scotland
1966-79, commissioned by Laurent Montaron, Institut d’Art Contemporain, Villeurbanne,France
Drawing:Sculpture, The Drawing Room, London
Drawing: Sculpture, Leeds Art gallery. Leeds, UK.
Thank You for the Music – How Music Moves Us, Kiasma, Museum of Contemporary
Art, Helsinki
Hirschfaktor, Die Kunst des Zitierens, ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe
Arbeiten aus dem Bleistiftgebiet, VAN HORN, Dusseldorf
MMK 1991-2011: 20 Jahre Gegenwart, Museum für Moderne Kunst (MMK), Frankfurt/Main
Abstract Possible: The Tamayo Take, Museo Tamayo, Mexico City
Suspense. Sculture sospese, Ex3, Florence
Premio lorenzo bonaldi per Moderna e Contemporanea di Bergamo, Bergamo
La Carillon de Big Ben, Centre d’art contemporain d’Ivry, Le Credac, Ivry sur Seine
Description and image, squatting. erinnern, vergessen, besetzen, Temporäre Kunsthalle
Berlin, Berlin “Celebration – Collection du Frac Auvergne”, FRAC Auvergne, Clermont
SHAZAM!, c/o Gerhardsen Gerner, Berlin
Contemporary Fine and Applied Arts: 1928-2009, Tate, St.Ives.
Transitory Objects, Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Wien.
le Travail de riviere, Centre d’art contemporain d’Ivry – le Credac, Ivry sur Seine
Looking is political, Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen
Videos Europa, Le Fresnoy, Tourcoing.
It’s about sculpture, Sammlung Haubrok, Berlin.
Cocker Spaniel and other tools for international understanding, Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Kiel
GO EAST II, MUDAM Musee d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean, Luxembourg
TEXTILES Kunst en het sociale weefsel, MuHKA Museum voor Hedendaagse Kunst
Antwerpen, Antwerp
Cocker Spaniel and other tools for international understanding, Ursula Blickle Stiftung,Kraichtal- Unteröwisheim
Notorious, Frac Ile-de-France / Le Plateau, Paris.
No Information available, Barbara Gladstone Gallery, Brussel.
Many Challenges Lie Ahead in the Near Future, Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne.
SEE history 2008, Kunsthalle, Kiel.
Eurasia. Geographic cross-overs in art, Mart, Trento & Rovereto.
Vertrautes Terrain – Aktuelle Kunst in und über Deutschland, ZKM, Karlsruhe.
Der große Wurf, Museen Haus Lange – Haus Esters, Krefeld.
Wenn ein Reisender in einer Winternacht, MARTa, Herford.
Point de Vue, Kunstverein Nürnberg, Nürnberg.
Like Leaves, Tanya Bonakdar, New York.
Anachronism, Argos, Brüssel.
Thilo Heinzmann, Antoni Llena and Bojan Sarcevic, Gallery Bortolami, New York.
Re-trait, Fondation d’entreprise Ricard, Paris.
Après la pluie, Musée Départemental dArt Contemporain de Rochechouart,
Entre fronteras, MARCO Museo de Arte Contemporánea de Vigo, Vigo.
The Secret Theory of Drawing, The Drawing Room, London & Niland Gallery, Sligo.
l’arte – enterprize, v edizione, GAMeC, Galleria d’Arte
Personal Affairs, Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen
Planting the tele, MaryMary Gallery, Glasgow
The secret theory of drawing, Drawing Room, London
Dorothea von Stetten-Kunstpreis, Kunstmuseum Bonn
Strange, I’ve seen that face before, Staedtisches Museum Abteiberg, Moenchengladbach
Stray, Para Site, Hongkong
Menschensgladbach, Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach.
36x27x10, White Cube Berlin, Berlin
Universal Experience: Art, Life, and the Tourist’s Eye, Museum of Contemporary Art,Chicago.
Model Modernism, ArtistsSpace, New York
Material Time/Work Time/Life Time, Reykjavik Arts Festival, Iceland.
It takes some time to open an oyster, Centre Cultural Andratx, Maillorca.
Time Zones, Tate Modern, London.
Adaptive Behaviour, New Museum, New York.
Formalismus, Moderne Kunst, heute, Kunstverein Hambourg.
Real World, the dissolving space of experience, Modern Art Oxford, Oxford.
Tracers, Witte de With, Rotterdam.
The Auschwitz Trial, 40 years later, Buergerhaus Gallus, Frankfurt am Main.
3rd Berlin Biennale, Berlin.
Animals, Haunch of Vension, London.
Here & Now, Matrichit street site, Bangkok.
Photography, Video, Mix media 2, DaimlerChrysler Contemporary, Berlin.
Deplacements, Musee d’Art Moderne de la ville de Paris.
50th. Biennale de Venise, Clandestines.
My head is on fire but my heart is full of love, Charlotenbourg, Copenhagen.
Ars 01, Kiasma, Helsinki.
Traversee, ARC, Musee d’Art Modern de la ville de Paris, Paris.
Szenarien, Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn.
Tracking, CCAC Institute, San Francisco.
Le Tribu dell’Arte, Galleria Communalle d’Arte Moderna e Contemporana, Rome.
Le detour par la simplicite, Confort Moderne, Poitiers.
Bleibe, Akademie der Kunst, Berlin.
Model, Model, NeuAachenerKunstverein, Aachen.
Watou Projects, Watou, Centre Soleil d’Afrique, Bamako
Soft Resistance, Galerie Gebauer, Berlin.
Passage, Setagaya Art Museum Tokyo.
Guarene Arte 98, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin.
Manifesta 2, Luxembourg.
MMK, Museum fur Modern Kunst Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany
Daimler Contemporary, Berlin, Germany
Sammlung Haubrok, Berlin
Sammlung Boros, Berlin
Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, Germany
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art-Kanazawa, Kanazawa, Japan
Setgaya Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, USA
Kiasma, Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki, Finland
MUDAM, Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
FRAC Poitou-Charentes – Angoulême, Angoulême, France
FRAC – Auvergne, Clermont Ferrand, France
Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino, Italy
Fondazione Morra Greco, Napoli, Italy
BSI Art Collection, Lugano, Switzerland